The emerging field of nutritional psychology illuminates how nutrition and food affect mood and behavior. Rightly applying food as medicine has astounding effects in the treatment of mental, spiritual and physical health disorders. Food is also a chemical; disordered, unhealthy eating is a form of substance abuse. Integrative Nutritional Psychology™️ is a model when properly applied, restores brain chemistry thereby eliminating various forms of substances abuse and illnesses.
Mainstream society has yet to understand that consumption of unhealthy (impure, processed, modified) food causes symptoms that mimic mental health imbalances; the result is psychiatric misdiagnosis and inaccurate care. Brain chemistry is key and since the stomach-gut is the second brain, it must be treated with utmost care.
Overcoming limiting belief systems is crucial aspect in correcting and optimizing Brain-Gut Health as well. Applying food as medicine is priority, but without overcoming restrictive, enslaving thoughts, the gut (which is connected to the heart-mind) will continue to suffer. Emotions mostly arise from the thought life; chronic 'stinking thinking' produces emotional instability which in turn disrupts gut biochemistry. The gut houses over a million neurons, more than the spinal cord, hence it's called the second brain. Brain chemistry begins in the stomach-gut; restoring physiological gut integrity, eating nutrient dense foods and keeping your emotions in check are all critical ingredients for maintaining a healthy gut.
Anxiety, panic, butterflies in the stomach, bloating, indigestion and other brain/ digestive-related issues are not just physical, but often spiritual as well. How? Consistent worry, fear, anger, etc are emotions that stem from your thought life; such emotions negatively affect your organs and digestive health. Ultimately, everything goes back to God. Knowing God's true nature and trusting Him no matter the circumstances creates an environment of (biochemical) peace amidst the storm. Of course, bloating can be the result of ingesting artificial sweeteners, modified protein, etc., hence discernment is critical for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Having panic disorders/attacks, other fear-related conditions (worry, anxiety/depression, etc.) and lack of boundaries all disrupt GI function. Correcting misconceptions of your real self and God are cornerstone to recovery. The spirit and body are not separate: continuous consumption of unhealthy, degraded, impure foods will cause unnecessary spiritual disconnect, frustration and blockages.
The solution to maintaining brain-gut health balance is more than taking probiotics and fish oil, it requires overcoming limiting belief systems; God's Word heals traumatic memories, unhealthy relationship patterns and emotional instability- all ingredients that renew the mind and revitalize the body.
Expertise: Dual Diagnosis Trauma/ PTSD - Eating Disorder & Obesity
Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of ALL 'mental illness combined. Add Obesity, another form of disordered eating, unto this tragic reality and now we clearly see our Nation is experiencing a food-eating-nutritional holocaust. Statistics show by 2030, more than 60% of the Unites States population will suffer from obesity; the deaths that will arise as a result are too profound to comprehend. Poor eating habits are a form of disordered eating and lead to a host of other illnesses.
This CAN and must stop RIGHT NOW. The devourer called fear and obesity must come to a screeching halt. Only a relationship with God, where His perfect love casts out fear, eradicates our nations food/ nutritional- fat crises because all disorder/ chaos stems from fear connected to disordered eating. The physical body MUST also be repaired, specifically addressing Heart-Mind (Kidney Organ System) and Spleen/ Pancreas (Digestive) Health according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. This equates to PTSD in western medicine.
After the body is completely healed, it becomes an issue of renewing the mind with Truth and continuing to eat neuronutrient dense foods not processed, refined prodcuts. The world does not have the answer, not even the latest, greatest brain technology /neuroscience, therapeutic technique and/ or supplement can cure this debilitating disease.