The genesis of the kitchen doc…
My name is Amira Rajput and how The Kitchen Doc came into fruition is a long story, but in order for you to know why I do what I do, it’s necessary you know a little bit about my personal background.
I had Complex PTSD and suffered from a very wicked eating disorder (binging and purging/ compulsive overeater) for 20 years. I also endured being hit by a bus, surviving a traumatic brain injury and three pneumothorax surgeries. I survived against all odds. Unfortunately, mainstream western medicine and the behavioral healthcare system failed me in many ways I can’t even explain. We have a broken, compartmentalized system so my journey towards being fully recovered required seeing many different holistic healthcare providers and utilizing alternative medicine treatments (i.e. acupuncture, cranial sacral therapy, Neurofeedback, theophostic ministry). It also required seeing an amazing Christian trauma therapist and doing a couple sozo therapy sessions.
My healing journey unequivocally required God. Without Jesus I wouldn’t be here today. I have turned food, what was once the kiss of death… into medicine. I have partnered with state-of-the-art labs ALL of which I used in my own journey as well. Because of what I went through and came out totally healed, combined with 4.0 GPA education in somatic counseling psychology, nutrition and amino acid therapy, I know first-hand how to help and guide people in their own journey towards wholeness. I have a knack for operating in the prophetic as well, which is a key game changer for releasing people from their own blockages, blindspots and guiding them down their road of both destiny and divine health.
I am honored to help you in your journey whether it be restoring your brain-gut health, helping you unveil your true life purpose or supporting your recovery from emotional trauma. I address the soul, body AND spirit, getting to the root cause of your issue(s) so you’re not left managing symptoms. I can help you come out of survival mode and into thriving, for wIth God all things are possible!